ok to maintain my record of blogging everyday, i shall just say some stuff today. actually didn't plan to, after spending so much time on the previous one, and i wanted to let people still ride on the excitement of that for a while before distracting them with something else, so i'll post what i really wanted to post today, tmr.
did that make sense ? no? nvm. haha
ok just to clarify something about yesterday's blog. if you thought that the singing was GOOD , some parts were nice sounding -- well, not that i want to criticize christabel or anything. her singing is nice normally, i already told her before. not exceptional, but nice and pleasing.
in fact, i think 90% of girls can sing man. it's so unfair. unlike guys so many all zhao xia like crap and cannot reach notes etc. 90% of girls can just sing in a normal girl voice and sound nice and soothing, etc.
anyway, back to my point. although christabel's singing is good/average (ya ok fine she'll say it's good not average), in that particular podcast, she was using a babyish voice (which ted says appeals to some guys, but i beg to differ) and was more like singing in a high mood than singing to sing nicely. do you get what i mean. like sometimes when people are high, they sing. she was doing that.
but if you say 'huh. but some parts the singing was quite nice right'. It was because of abby! abby was trying to sing as nicely as she could. (btw i think abby's voice is quite nice, above average)
Part what i agree was nice was certain parts where both were singing in their normal voices and they blended quite well. =)
haha but there was a killer part, somewhere near the start, where chris went 'beTWEEEEEEEN us!' made my hair stand man. And that zhao xia part was quite funny also, so i repeated it at the ending =)
All in all, i thought the whole thing was done so nicely la. And teddy editted it very well also. hehe. self-praise. oh well.
keep reading my blog =) publicize that podcast for me =) (link people to my blog not to the dl link ok :) )